Sunday, September 7, 2014

Creating a mold step 1:

The first step to creating a mold from existing plaster is stoping the paint. Here we are stripping the paint from a small section allowing us to create a mold that will go around the top of the new wall in this room.


Soaped the finished product with black soap. The black soap created a finish that will seal the plaster but still allow breathability. 

Recreating plaster corbels in Citadel Square Church

Chronological steps-
1: strip the existing paint
2: apply release agent to existing corbel
3: brush rubber model on to existing corbel
4: apply plaster to exterior of rubber mold to hold it in place
5: instal wooden structure to hold plaster mold in place
6: remove mold from existing corbel on wall
7: apply release agent
8: brush on multiple layers of plaster 
9: remove from mold
10: instal on wall of church
11: math the gold paint and paint it